Is there a nice way to it possible to die with a smile on one's face..Do we realize that this is the end a second before it happens? How does one face death? Does your whole life flash in front of your eyes? do we remember all our loved ones? do we feel sorry for the people we have hurt? how does the mind feel? Is it turbulence or is it to absolute calmness? I know its the most difficult one to imagine for me..and that too I can never imagine a loved one or someone known to me passing heart shudders to think about it..
Why am I thinking about it reason ..just that I read a couple of sad stories about deaths..
I've read somewhere that our fear of death arises because its considered as a point of no return. Maybe if we thought death as the beginning of a new journey things would have been better. I think its the fear of the unknown,maybe because no one ever comes back to tell us the story about the good times they are having...
I'll never live to answer this question.