Thursday, August 31, 2006
Best Friends?
My friend and I spoke about this yesterday. My co-worker and I spoke about this today over lunch.
What did we talk about?
Do you need a friend from the opposite sex with whom you spend a lot of time and hang-out with whenever the opportunity arises after your married or you already have another special someone?

Is this friend just a friend? I am not talking about friends who are there for you share with you your smiles ..your tears....
It is when a friend ceases to be a friend and could become something more than that and affect your relationship with your partner.

This question kind of brings about mixed answers from my mind. Sometimes I think that its ok to have a friend with whom you can share everything under the sun, but sometimes I feel the need for such a friend will not arise in a good relationship. The need is satisfied by your spouse itself.
Thats one side of me thinking.
I think its good to have a friend who is like a kindred soul,but my friend also has to be comfortable when my husband's around and vice versa.
I also wonder when it comes to friends why does the sex of the friend even matter. In a idealistic world yes ,it doesnt matter but practically , it does.
I would be happy and comfortable with a male friend only if S is ok with him.If S doesnt get along well with my friend I would eventually draw my lines.

When there's truth and sincerity in a friendship its usually met with by your spouse who would understand that.

I have good friends from work & college but somehow I dont talk to them much these days....I do feel like picking up the phone and talking like before. We still do that sometimes but most of the times I end up feeling I would rather talk to S than this once closest buddy.

He makes my life complete.

If this sounds like my life and friendship's are circling around this one person...yes, thats true.
No friendships are more important than him. I believe and feel he is my first priority.

so said Anu at 1:41 PM | Permalink |