Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Home Sweet Home
About 4 months back we decided to buy a place that would be ours..which would be home for us in this country miles away from Home Sweet Home.
Its been a hectic four months for the two of us watching and monitoring every little progress the house makes.
I think its close to having a baby or seeing your new born grow...the first time it smiles at you, the first time it turns around, the first steps, the first words all these and many more make you happy ,but am sure there are moments when things which are not really big that could happen to the baby like a flu,a cough, a tear that could scare you to the end...thats how this has been to us..
Though most of the mistakes could be rectified whenever we see something go wrong with the way things are going we would be psyched.
Add to that, a non-responsive builder...and some bent columns and shaky steps...
I seriously think its easy to build a house using bricks, concrete and mortar than build a house using lumber only.
Our baby is steadily growing now and the first frontal brick was layed today.
I cant imagine that this place the way it is right now would be our home in a couple of months.
A place where an hoping and praying that lots of nice things happen to us.
A Home for the two of us.
so said Anu at 3:35 PM | Permalink |