Friday, August 25, 2006
Home Sick
There's a saying "people who are closest to our hearts are only a thought away".They are always there in my thoughts but I miss the physical presence..
Was just looking at some pictures taken a year back when Mom and Dad came all the way to Singapore to see me for a week...I sometimes feel so blessed for the love and affection that my parents shower on me...
Hope I'll be half as good as my mom ... half as affectionate as my Dad is..
I really miss them a lot..
My eyes well up with tears...why am I living so far away?
I talk to them almost everyday but still miss them so much...
Its become a norm for me to always keep missing something..someone..
I miss S when he travels... I miss amma and appa ...I miss my brother....I miss chennai...
so said Anu at 5:35 PM | Permalink |